
Easily Set Up Your Meeting Session

When you open Presentation Room on the device designated as the Organizer, your initial step is to tap the Organize button. Doing so connects your device to the server, automatically creating what we call a Common Group. This group serves as the central hub for your meeting, allowing Participants to easily connect and engage without the need for manual setup or invite codes.

Adding Presentation Documents

While the Organizer role has many features, your first task is to add the presentation document to the Common Group. To do this, tap the Documents button to view the group's current presentation assets. Since it will be empty initially, tap Add More Documents... to see a list of shareable documents available on the server. Select the ones you want and tap Add Selected to add them to the Common Group.

On our cloud server, there is only one test document available: "Welcome.pdf" To add your own documents, you'll need to run an on-premises, fully functional demo server on your Mac. To request one, simply email us at

As soon as you add the presentation document to the Common Group, it syncs across all Participants. This ensures that anyone new who joins is also up-to-date and ready for the presentation.

Last updated